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Stop guessing and start understanding if communication styles don’t fit

Making incorrect assumptions about a person’s communication style will lessen your influence with them. For best results flex or adapt your style to meet their needs and you will have better synergy and outcomes.

Do you see yourself in the story below?

Bob, a friend of mine that I had not seen for a while, boldly attempted to persuade me to join his network marketing team with assurance of a steady pace, very little conflict, an easy system to follow and the support of others.

I like to mix my pace from fast to slow because I don’t think you can advance without encountering some conflict. Conflict is not a deterrent for me. An easy to follow system reminds me that I may be hymned in with no freedom of expression. However I do like the support of others, as a team is always stronger than and individual.

Bob anticipated my needs correctly one out of four, that wasn’t enough to get me to join. Two years later, I saw Bob and told him I started a new business teaching others about the DISC temperament language.

He immediately asked, what is your behavior style? I responded – a High I with a D backup. Surprised, he exclaimed I thought you were an S. When he was trying to recruit me Bob was guessing about my DISC preferences and he was wrong.

Like Bob, those that have DISC knowledge may misread the other person’s cues as to their communication preferences. For example their observations of an individual may indicate a High D (fast-paced task oriented with a need for control).

However if the person is an S (slower paced and people oriented) they have a need for slow or no change.
The S in this case is slow to change and is naturally stubborn which can be construed as holding onto control, when in fact they are resisting change.

The “I”, fast paced and people oriented, can be mistaken for a “C”, slower paced and task oriented. The “I” will talk for approval and seems to give a lot of details. The “C’s” love details, mostly in writing.
So the question is, are they communicating for approval or for wanting the details. If for approval they are an “I”, if for details they are a “C”.

Don’t guess what a person’s communication preferences are. At best learn from their DISC assessment report. If you are a veteran DISC user or this is the first time you have heard about DISC go to and get a quick refresher.

Second best is to ask, “What is the best way for me to communicate with you?” Trying to communicate with another person from their point of view will give you influence with them because they feel like you are cooperating with them as opposed to trying to change them.

In “Performance Coaching”, understanding the communication preferences of the individual improves connection with the coach, which increases the outcome for the person being coached.

This environment allows people to be vulnerable by stating what they are truly concerned about without judgement from their coach. This clears the air and allows for a remedy to be mutually agreed upon.

For instance, a manager is working with a salesperson that is not meeting their quota. The manger adapts his style to meet the needs of the salesperson and finds out that they are having trouble closing the sale.
The salesperson becomes vulnerable and says he is usually anticipating a NO, because he isn’t sure of how well the prospect is receiving the presentation.

The sales manager introduces him to the trail close “where do we go from here?” allowing the prospect to identify the prospects state of mind regarding the sale. The salesman tries this approach and dramatically improves his closing rate. Everyone wins, the customer, the company and the salesman. If application of the DISC component is not in this mix it most likely doesn’t have a good outcome.

Trying to guess a person’s DISC communication preferences is like flying in rainstorm without radar. There is a good chance for a crash.

So, don’t guess, use an assessment and know for sure. If you would like to test drive a DISC assessment send me an email and I will send you a complementary link to the DISC assessment. You will receive your report in your email inbox.

Lower your resistance and give it a try. It will improve your understanding of communication styles and make you more effective in your job.

Connect with Jim to get your FREE DISC ASSESSMENT REPORT.